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Suggested Technique for Interpreting Pro/MECHANICA Structure ASCII Output Files 


This suggested technique describes the contents and format of the output files created by Pro/MECHANICA Structure. By default, these files are created in binary format so they are not directly readable. If the ASCII output file format is selected on the Run Settings form, the Pro/MECHANICA Structure engine will create the result files in ASCII format, which will allow the files to be viewed directly and utilized as input for other applications if desired. 

  1. Begin by selecting the ASCII file format on the Run Settings Form as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1

  2. Once ASCII file format is selected, all the Pro/MECHANICA Structure engine output files will be created in ASCII file format. The content and formatting of these files is explained below: 


    The engine places output files in a directory called STUDY, where STUDY is the name of the design study, and in sub directories called ANLYS1, ANLYS2, ..., where ANLYS1, ANLYS2, ... are the names of the analyses.
    For dynamic time and frequency analyses more files may be placed in ANLYS1/STEPn for each time or frequency step with full post processing, where n corresponds to the master interval number in the analysis definition.  For shock response, files will be placed in ANLYS1/SHOCK. For transient thermal analysis, files will be placed in ANLYS1/STEPn, where n corresponds to the master interval number.

    A design study has one or more analyses.  An analysis has one constraint set and one or more load sets or modes.

    A schematic representation of the output tree structure is shown below:

                        /  |
                      /    |
                    /      |
                  /        |
                /          |
              /            |
            /              |
          /                |
    study.err            ANLYS1
    study.rpt              | ------------------------------- SHOCK
    study.stt               | ------------ STEPn                                    |
    study.pnu           study.neu                   |                                           |
    study.dia           study.d##                    |                                    study.d01
    study.pas           study.s##                study.d##                         study.s01
    study.hst           study.r##                study.s##                          study.p01
                             study.a##                study.p##                          study.a01
                             study.f##                study.a##                          study.n01
                            study.t##                 study.v##                          study.b01
                            study.cnv                study.w##
                            study.res                 study.x##
                            study.l##                study.y##
                            study.g##               study.n##
                            study.opt                study.h##
                            study.ter                 study.i##
                            study.coe                study.j##
                            study.tld                 study.k##
                            study.p##                study.m##
                            study.n##                study.q##
                            study.c##                study.cnv
                            study.mor               study.tld
                            study.buc                study.b##

    The list of files shown above is the list of all possible output files. Some of these files may not be created depending on the analysis options, analysis type and design study type.


    A uniform grid is created and laid on top of the geometric element model for the purpose of post-processing. This grid splits up the geometric elements into smaller regions of the same kind: quadrilateral geometric elements are split up into quadrilateral regions, brick geometric elements are split up into brick regions, etc..  The only exception is tetrahedral geometric elements that are split up into tetrahedral and octahedral regions.

    In this document the geometric elements are referred to as "p-elements" while the regions defined by the grid are referred to as "h-elements". The nodes that are part of the geometric element model are referred to
    as "p-nodes" while the nodes of the grid are referred to as "h-nodes". Note that the "h-nodes" that are also "p-nodes" are numbered consistently in both sets.


    "p-nodes"          pnod
    "p-elements"       pnel
         iel  iej  nod1  nod2  nod3  nod4  nod5  nod6  nod7  nod8
         iel  iej  nod1  nod2  nod3  nod4  nod5  nod6  nod7  nod8
         iel  iej  nod1  nod2  nod3  nod4  nod5  nod6  nod7  nod8

    Notes: Connectivity of the geometric element model

    pnod: total number of p-nodes
    pnel: total number of p-elements
    iel: p-element number
    iej: total number of edges of this p-element; e.g. for a quadrilateral element iej=4
    nod1-nod8: the numbers of the nodes defining this p-element;n/a node numbers are set equal to zero; e.g. for a quadrilateral element nod5...nod8=0


    "h-nodes"          hnod
          inod   x   y   z
           iind  inod1  inod2 i nod3  inod4  inod5  inod6  inod7  inod8
          inod   x   y   z
           iind  inod1  inod2  inod3  inod4  inod5  inod6  inod7  inod8
          inod   x   y   z
           iind  inod1  inod2  inod3  inod4  inod5  inod6  inod7  inod8
    "h-elements"       hnel
         iel  iej  nod1  nod2  nod3  nod4  nod5  nod6  nod7  nod8
         iel  iej  nod1  nod2  nod3  nod4  nod5  nod6  nod7  nod8
         iel  iej  nod1  nod2  nod3  nod4  nod5  nod6  nod7  nod8

    Notes: Connectivity of the grid

           hnod: total number of h-nodes
           inod: h-node number
           x,y,z: coordinates of this h-node in global rectangular system
           iind: indicator categorizing this h-node as follows:
            iind=0: this h-node is a p-node
            iind=1: this h-node is internal to a p-element edge
            iind=2: this h-node is internal to a p-element tri. face
            iind=3: this h-node is internal to a p-element quad. face
            iind=4: this h-node is internal to a tetrahedon p-element
            iind=5: this h-node is internal to a wedge p-element
            iind=6: this h-node is internal to a brick p-element
           inod1-inod8: p-node numbers defining the p-elements, p-
                        element faces and p-element edges referred to by
                        the indicator iind;
                        n/a node numbers are set equal to zero;
           hnel: total number of h-elements
           iel: h-element number
           iej: total number of edges of this h-element;
                e.g. for a quadrilateral element iej=4;
                octahedral h-elements have iej=-12 so that they can be
                distinguished from bricks that also have 12 edges
           nod1-nod8: the numbers of the nodes defining this h-element;
                      n/a node numbers are set equal to zero;
                      e.g. for a quadrilateral element nod5...nod8=0


           iel   inod
           e1_x e1_y e1_z e2_x e2_y e2_z

           iel   inod
           e1_x e1_y e1_z e2_x e2_y e2_z

    Or in column notation this is:

    iel   inod
           mo_01 mo_02 mo_03 mo_04 mo_05 mo_06

    Notes: this is the material orientation file

    All quantities are calculated at the h-node locations.

    All quantities are reported with respect to the WCS.

    Note that h-nodes that are common to more than one p-element will be assigned more than one value set (one for each p-element).

    Only h-nodes that belong to elements with material orientations (3d solids, 3d shells, 2d solids, 2d plates)

    iel: p-element number
    inod: h-node number

    mo_01-03  e1_x,y,z : WCS components of the first material orientation basis unit vector
    mo_04-05  e2_x,y,z : WCS components of the second material orientation basis unit vector

    The third material orientation basis unit vector is found from e3 = e1 X e2



    "displacements"   iset   nset   nrbm   dmax   f    name
          inod   dx   dy   dz
          inod   dx   dy   dz
          inod   dx   dy   dz

    Notes: Displacements in static, modal, dynamic time, dynamic frequency shock and buckling analyses.  For static, modal, and buckling analysis the file is placed in ANLYS#.  For dynamic time and frequency analysis the file is placed in STEP####.  For shock analysis it is placed in SHOCK.

           ##: load set for static dynamic time and dynamic frequency
               mode number for modal and buckling (two digit format)
               always 01 for shock
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           nrbm: number of rigid body modes
           dmax: maximum magnitude of displacement in the model
           f: frequency of this mode if modal analysis,
              buckling load factor if buckling analysis,
              frequency of calculation if dynamic frequency response
              time of calculation if dynamic time response
              0 if static or other dynamic analyses
           name: load set name (not for modal, buckling or shock)
           inod: h-node number
           dx,dy,dz: displacements of this h-node in global rectangular


    "temperatures"   iset   nset   tmax   time   name
          inod   t
          inod   t
          inod   t

    Notes: Temperatures.  For steady-state thermal analysis, the file is placed in ANLYS#. For transient thermal analysis the file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set in two digit format
           iset: load set number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets
           tmax: maximum temperature in the model
           time: time of master interval if transient thermal analysis
                 0 if steady-state thermal analysis
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           t: temperature


    "rotations"   iset   nset   thmax   f    name
          inod   thx   thy   thz
          inod   thx   thy   thz
          inod   thx   thy   thz

    Notes: Rotations in static, modal, dynamic time, dynamic frequency analysis, shock, and buckling analyses. For static, modal, and buckling analysis the file is placed in ANLYS#.  For dynamic time and frequency analysis the file is placed in STEP####.  For shock analysis it is placed in SHOCK.

           ##: load set for static dynamic time and dynamic frequency
               mode number for modal and buckling (two digit format)
               always 01 for shock
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           thmax: maximum magnitude of rotation in the model
           f: frequency of this mode if modal analysis,
              buckling load factor if buckling analysis,
              frequency of calculation if dynamic frequency response
              time of calculation if dynamic time response
              0 if static or other dynamic analyses
           name: load set name (not for modal, buckling or shock)
           inod: h-node number
           thx,thy,thz: rotations of this h-node in global rectangular



    "stresses"   iset   nset   name
           iel   inod   ind
              s1   s2   s3   s4   s5   s6
              s7   s8   s9   s10   s11   s12
              s13   s14   s15   s16   s17   s18
              s19   s20   s21   s22   s23   s24
              s25   s26   s27   s28   s29   s30
              s31   s32   s33   s34   s35   s36
              s37   s38
           iel   inod   ind
              s1   s2   s3   s4   s5   s6
              s7   s8   s9   s10   s11   s12
              s13   s14   s15   s16   s17   s18
              s19   s20   s21   s22   s23   s24
              s25   s26   s27   s28   s29   s30
              s31   s32   s33   s34   s35   s36
              s37   s38
           iel   inod   ind
              s1   s2   s3   s4   s5   s6
              s7   s8   s9   s10   s11   s12
              s13   s14   s15   s16   s17   s18
              s19   s20   s21   s22   s23   s24
              s31   s32   s33   s34   s35   s36
              s37   s38

    Notes: Stress/strain distribution in static, modal, dynamic time, dynamic frequency, shock, or buckling analysis. All stresses and strains are calculated at the h-node locations and are reported with respect to the global rectangular coordinate system.  Forces and moments for beams are also reported with respect to the local (defined by the p-element's orientation) coordinate system. Note that h-nodes that are common to more than one p-element will be assigned more than one stress/strain value set (one for each p-element).  Also note that top and bottom surfaces of plate p-elements are defined by their connectivity using the right-hand-rule.

    For static, modal, and buckling analysis file is placed in ANLYS#.  For dynamic time and frequency the file is placed in STEP####.  For shock analysis it is placed in SHOCK.

           ##: load set for static dynamic time and dynamic frequency
               mode number for modal and buckling (two digit format)
               always 01 for shock
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           name: load set name (not for modal or shock)
           iel: p-element number
           inod: h-node number
           ind: =1 if 3-D beams; =2 if 3-D or 2-D shells;
                =3 if 3-D solids or 2-D solids or plates;
           s1: global (strain)xx for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)xx on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               global (force)x for beams
           s2: global (strain)yy for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)yy on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               global (force)y for beams
           s3: global (strain)xy for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)xy on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               global (force)z for beams
           s4: global (strain)zz for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)zz on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               global (moment)x for beams
           s5: global (strain)yz for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)yz on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               global (moment)y for beams
           s6: global (strain)xz for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)xz on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               global (moment)z for beams
           s7: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)xx on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               local (force)x for beams
           s8: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)yy on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               local (force)y for beams
           s9: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)xy on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               local (force)z for beams
           s10: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)zz on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               local (moment)x for beams
           s11: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)yz on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               local (moment)y for beams
           s12: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (strain)xz on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               local (moment)z for beams
           s13: global (stress)xx for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)xx on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (-1,-1) cross-sectional point for beams
           s14: global (stress)yy for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)yy on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (0,-1) cross-sectional point for beams
           s15: global (stress)xy for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)xy on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (+1,-1) cross-sectional point for beams
           s16: global (stress)zz for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)zz on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (-1,0) cross-sectional point for beams
           s17: global (stress)yz for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)yz on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (0,0) cross-sectional point for beams
           s18: global (stress)xz for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)xz on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (+1,0) cross-sectional point for beams
           s19: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)xx on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (-1,+1) cross-sectional point for beams
           s20: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)yy on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (0,+1) cross-sectional point for beams
           s21: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)xy on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial stress at (+1,+1) cross-sectional point for beams
           s22: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)zz on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               tesile stress for beams
           s23: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)yz on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               bending stress (most +ve in cross-section) for beams
           s24: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               global (stress)xz on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial force (most +ve in cross-section) for beams
           s25: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               Von Mises stress on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               axial force (most -ve in cross-section) for beams
               This field contains contact pressure for contact
               analyses only.
           s26: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               Von Mises stress on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               torsional shear stress for beams
           s27: Von Mises stress for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               max. Von Mises stress for shells and line 2-D elements;
               von Mises stress (max over cross-section) for beams
           s28: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               max. Principal stress on the top surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               bending stress (y) for beams
           s29: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               max. Principal stress on the bottom surface for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               bending stress (z) for beams
           s30: max. Principal stress for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               max. Principal stress for shells and line 2-D elements;
               max. Principal stress (max over cross-section) for beams
           s31: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               membrane strain energy/unit area for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               tensile strain energy per unit length for beams
           s32: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               bending strain energy/unit area for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               bending strain eneergy per unit length for beams
           s33: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               shear strain energy/unit area for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               shear strain energy per unit length for beams
           s34: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               membrane/bending strain energy for shells;
               zero for line 2-D elements;
               torsional strain energy per unit length for beams
           s35: Strain Energy/unit volume for solids and 2-D
               surface elements;
               total strain energy/unit area for shells and
               line 2-D elements;
               total strain energy per unit length for beams
           s36: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               minimum principal stress (top) for shells and
               line 2D elements;
               tensile strain for beams
           s37: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               minimum principal stress (bottom) for shells and
               line 2D elements;
               torsional strain for beams
           s38: minimum principal stress for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               minimum principal stress ( minimum of top and bottom)
               for shells and line 2D elements;
               min. Principal stress (min over cross-section) for beams
           s39: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               local midsurface stress (xz) for shells
               bending strain (y) for beams
           s40: zero for solids and 2-D surface elements;
               local midsurface stress (yz) for shells
               bending strain (z) for beams


    "fluxes"   iset   nset   name
           iel   inod
              s1   s2   s3   s4   s5   s6
           iel   inod
              s1   s2   s3   s4   s5   s6
           iel   inod
              s1   s2   s3   s4   s5   s6

    Notes: temperature gradient/heat flux distribution.  All gradients and fluxes are calculated at the h-node locations and are reported with respect to the global rectangular coordinate system.  Note that h-nodes that are common to more than one p-element will be assigned more than one gradient/flux value set (one for each p-element).

    For steady-state thermal analysis the file is placed in ANLYS#. For transient thermal analysis the file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set in two digit format
           iset: load set; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets
           name: load set name
           iel: p-element number
           inod: h-node number
           s1: dT/dx
           s2: dT/dy
           s3: dT/dz
           s4: (heat flux)x
           s5: (heat flux)y
           s6: (heat flux)z

           iel   inod
              s1   ex   ey   ez
              s2   ex   ey   ez
              s3   ex   ey   ez
              s4   ex   ey   ez
           iel   inod
              s1   ex   ey   ez
              s2   ex   ey   ez
              s3   ex   ey   ez
              s4   ex   ey   ez
           iel   inod
              s1   ex   ey   ez
              s2   ex   ey   ez
              s3   ex   ey   ez
              s4   ex   ey   ez

    Notes: Maximum/minimum principal stress directions in static, modal, dynamic time, dynamic frequency, shock or buckling analysis. All principal stresses are calculated at the h-node locations
    and their directions are reported with respect to the global rectangular coordinate system.  Note that h-nodes
    that are common to more than one p-element will be assigned more than one principal stress value set (one
    for each p-element).  Only h-nodes that belong to quad or tri elements are included.

    For static, modal and buckling analysis file is placed in ANLYS#.  For dynamic time and frequency the file is
    placed in STEP####.  For shock analysis it is placed in SHOCK.

           ##: load set for static dynamic time and dynamic frequency
               mode number for modal and buckling (two digit format)
               always 01 for shock
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           name: load set name (not for modal or shock)
           iel: p-element number
           inod: h-node number
           s1: max principal stress on the top surface for 3-D shells;
               max principal stress for 2-D surface elements
           s2: min principal stress on the top surface for 3-D shells;
               min principal stress for 2-D surface elements
           s3: max principal stress on the bottom surface for 3-D shells
           s4: min principal stress on the bottom surface for 3-D shells
           ex, ey, ez: unit vector w.r.t. global cartesian coordinates


    "Shell_Results"  iset  name
           iel   inod
           g_xx           g_xy          g_yy
           g_max_prin_val g_max_prin_x  g_max_prin_y  g_max_prin_z
           g_min_prin_val g_min_prin_x  g_min_prin_y  g_min_prin_z
           k_xx           k_xy          k_yy
           k_max_prin_val k_max_prin_x  k_max_prin_y  k_max_prin_z
           k_min_prin_val k_min_prin_x  k_min_prin_y  k_min_prin_z
           o_x            o_y
           N_xx           N_xy          N_yy
           N_max_prin_val N_max_prin_x  N_max_prin_y  N_max_prin_z
           N_min_prin_val N_min_prin_x  N_min_prin_y  N_min_prin_z
           M_xx           M_xy          M_yy
           M_max_prin_val M_max_prin_x  M_max_prin_y  M_max_prin_z
           M_min_prin_val M_min_prin_x  M_min_prin_y  M_min_prin_z
           Q_x            Q_y

           iel   inod
           g_xx                   g_xy         g_yy
           g_max_prin_val g_max_prin_x  g_max_prin_y  g_max_prin_z
           g_min_prin_val g_min_prin_x  g_min_prin_y  g_min_prin_z

    Or in column notation this is:

    iel   inod
           sr_01          sr_02         sr_03
           sr_04          sr_05         sr_06     sr_07
           sr_08          sr_09         sr_10     sr_11
           sr_12          sr_13         sr_14
           sr_15          sr_16         sr_17     sr_18
           sr_19          sr_20         sr_21     sr_22
           sr_23          sr_24
           sr_25          sr_26         sr_27
           sr_28          sr_29         sr_30     sr_31
           sr_32          sr_33         sr_34     sr_35
           sr_36          sr_37         sr_38
           sr_39          sr_40         sr_41     sr_42
           sr_43          sr_44         sr_45     sr_46
           sr_47          sr_48

    Notes: Shell results in static, modal, dynamic time, dynamic frequency, shock or buckling analysis.

    All quantities are calculated at the h-node locations.

    All tensor quantities except the principal direction vectors are reported with respect to the material orientation basis of the element. The principal direction vectors are reported with respect to the WCS.

    Note that h-nodes that are common to more than one p-element will be assigned more than one value set (one for each p-element).

    Only h-nodes that belong to 3d shells are included.

     For static, modal and buckling analysis file is placed in ANLYS#.  For dynamic time and frequency the file is
     placed in STEP####.  For shock analysis it is placed in SHOCK.

           ##: load set for static dynamic time and dynamic frequency
               mode number for modal and buckling (two digit format)
               always 01 for shock

           iel: p-element number
           inod: h-node number

      sr_01-03      g_xx,xy,yy      : membrane (midsurface) strain
      sr_04         g_max_prin_val  : max principal membrane strain value
      sr_05-07      g_max_prin_x,y,z: max principal membrane strain vector
      sr_08         g_min_prin_val  : min principal membrane strain value
      sr_09-11      g_min_prin_x,y,z: min principal membrane strain vector
      sr_12-14      k_xx, k_xy, k_yy: curvature change
      sr_15         k_max_prin_val  : max principal curvature change value
      sr_16-18      k_max_prin_x,y,z: max principal curvature change vector
      sr_19         k_min_prin_val  : min principal curvature change value
      sr_20-22      k_min_prin_x,y,z: min principal curvature change vector

      sr_23-24      o_x,y           : transverse shear strain

      sr_25-27      N_xx,xy,yy      : membrane resultant force
      sr_28         N_max_prin_val  : max principal membrane resultant force value
      sr_29-31      N_max_prin_x,y,z: max principal membrane resultant force vector
      sr_32         N_min_prin_val  : min principal membrane resultant force value
      sr_33-35      N_min_prin_x,y,z: min principal membrane resultant force vector
      sr_36-38      M_xx, M_xy, M_yy: resultant moment
      sr_39         M_max_prin_val  : max principal resultant moment value
      sr_40-42      M_max_prin_x,y,z: max principal resultant moment vector
      sr_43         M_min_prin_val  : min principal resultant moment value
      sr_44-46      M_min_prin_x,y,z: min principal resultant moment vector
      sr_47-48      Q_x,y           : transverse shear force


    "ply_stresses"  iset  is_complex  maj_vers  revision  name
          iel         inod     n_plies
       ply_num   orientation
       s_xx_top_Re  s_yy_top_Re  s_zz_top_Re  s_xy_top_Re  s_xz_top_Re  s_yz_top_Re
       s_xx_bot_Re  s_yy_bot_Re  s_zz_bot_Re  s_xy_bot_Re  s_xz_bot_Re  s_yz_bot_Re
       s_xx_top_Im  s_yy_top_Im  s_zz_top_Im  s_xy_top_Im  s_xz_top_Im  s_yz_top_Im
       s_xx_bot_Im  s_yy_bot_Im  s_zz_bot_Im  s_xy_bot_Im  s_xz_bot_Im  s_yz_bot_Im
       e_xx_top_Re  e_yy_top_Re  g_zz_top_Re  e_xy_top_Re  g_xz_top_Re  g_yz_top_Re
       e_xx_bot_Re  e_yy_bot_Re  g_zz_bot_Re  e_xy_bot_Re  g_xz_bot_Re  g_yz_bot_Re
       e_xx_top_Im  e_yy_top_Im  g_zz_top_Im  e_xy_top_Im  g_xz_top_Im  g_yz_top_Im
       e_xx_bot_Im  e_yy_bot_Im  g_zz_bot_Im  e_xy_bot_Im  g_xz_bot_Im  g_yz_bot_Im

    Notes: Laminate stress/strain distribution in static, modal, dynamic time, dynamic frequency, dynamic random, dynamic shock or buckling analysis.

    All quantities are calculated at the h-node locations and reported with respect to the global rectangular coordinate system.

    For static, modal, and buckling analysis file is placed in ANLYS#. For dynamic time and frequency the file is placed in STEP####. For shock analysis it is placed in SHOCK. For dynamic random the file is placed in RMS.

           ##: load set for static dynamic time and dynamic frequency
               mode number for modal and buckling (two digit format)
               always 01 for shock
           iset:        load set or mode number; equal to ##.
           is_complex:  1 for dynamic frequency and random analyses,
                        0 for all other analyses.
           maj_vers:    Pro/Mechanica version #.
           revision:    revision # in maj_vers.
           name:        load set name (not for modal or shock)
           iel:         p-element number
           inod:        h-node number
           n_plies:     number of plies for element iel.
           ply_num:     ply number.
           orientation: orientation of ply with respect to it's
                        material 3 direction.

     s_(xx,yy,xy,zz,yz,xz)_top_Re: Real components of stress tensor at
                                   top of the lamina.
     s_(xx,yy,xy,zz,yz,xz)_bot_Re: Real components of stress tensor at
                                   bottom of the lamina.
     s_(xx,yy,xy,zz,yz,xz)_top_Im: Imag. components of stress tensor at
                                   top of the lamina.
                                   Output only if is_complex is 1.
     s_(xx,yy,xy,zz,yz,xz)_bop_Im: Imag. components of stress tensor at
                                   bottom of the lamina.
                                   Output only if is_complex is 1.
                                   Real components of strain tensor at
                                   top of the lamina.
                                   Real components of strain tensor at
                                   bottom of the lamina.
                                   Real components of strain tensor at
                                   top of the lamina.
                                   Output only if is_complex is 1.
                                   Real components of strain tensor at
                                   bottom of the lamina.
                                   Output only if is_complex is 1.


    "displacements"  iset   nset   dmax   f    name
          inod   dx   dy   dz
          inod   dx   dy   dz
          inod   dx   dy   dz

    Notes: Phases of displacement in dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           dmax: 0
           f: frequency of calculation
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           dx,dy,dz: phases of displacement of this h-node in global rectangular


    "velocities"   iset   nset   vmax   f    name
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz

    Notes: Velocities in dynamic time or dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           vmax: maximum magnitude of velocity in the model
           f: frequency of calculation if dynamic frequency response
              time of calculation if dynamic time response
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           vx,vy,vz: velocities of this h-node in global rectangular


    "velocities"   iset   nset   vmax   f    name
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz

    Notes: Phases of velocity in dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           vmax: 0
           f: frequency of calculation
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           vx,vy,vz: phases of velocity of this h-node in global rectangular


    "accelerations"   iset   nset   amax   f    name
          inod   ax   ay   az
          inod   ax   ay   az
          inod   ax   ay   az

    Notes: Accelerations in dynamic time or dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           amax: maximum magnitude of acceleration in the model
           f: frequency of calculation if dynamic frequency response
              time of calculation if dynamic time response
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           ax,ay,az: accelerations of this h-node in global rectangular


    "accelerations"   iset   nset   wmax   f    name
          inod   wx   wy   wz
          inod   wx   wy   wz
          inod   wx   wy   wz

    Notes: Phases of acceleration in dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           wmax: 0
           f: frequency of calculation
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           wx,wy,wz: phases of acceleration of this h-node in global rectangular


    "rotations"   iset   nset   amax   f    name
          inod   ax   ay   az
          inod   ax   ay   az
          inod   ax   ay   az

    Notes: Phases of rotation in dynamic frequency analysis.The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           amax: 0
           f: frequency of calculation
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           ax,ay,az: phases of rotation of this h-node in global rectangular


    "rotat vel"   iset   nset   vmax   f    name
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz

    Notes: Rotational velocities in dynamic time or dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           vmax: maximum magnitude of rotational velocity in the model
           f: frequency of calculation if dynamic frequency response
              time of calcualtion if dynamic time response
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           vx,vy,vz: rotational velocities of this h-node in global rectangular


    "rotat vel"   iset   nset   vmax   f    name
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz
          inod   vx   vy   vz

    Notes: Phases of rotational velocity in dynamic frequency analysis. The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           vmax: 0
           f: frequency of calculation
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           vx,vy,vz: phases of rotational veleocity of this h-node in
           global rectangular system


    "rotat accel"   iset   nset   amax   f    name
          inod   ax   ay   az
          inod   ax   ay   az
          inod   ax   ay   az

    Notes: Rotational accelerations in dynamic time or dynamic frequency analysis.The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           amax: maximum magnitude of rotational acceleration in the model
           f: frequency of calculation if dynamic frequency response
              time of calculation if dynamic time response
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           ax,ay,az: rotational accelerations of this h-node in global rectangular


    "rotat accel"   iset   nset   wmax   f    name
          inod   wx   wy   wz
          inod   wx   wy   wz
          inod   wx   wy   wz

    Notes: Phases of rotational acceleration in dynamic frequency analysis.The file is placed in STEP####.

           ##: load set
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           wmax: 0
           f: frequency of calculation
           name: load set name
           inod: h-node number
           wx,wy,wz: phases of rotational acceleration of this h-node in
           global rectangular system


    "analysis type" antyp
    "reactions"   iset   nset    name
    "resultant"   rx     ry     rz
    "nodes"       nnodr
          inod   rx     ry     rz     mx     my     mz
    "edges"       nedgr  nplot "no_curmpc" (or "yes_curmpc")
          nod1   nod2
          nod1  rx     ry     rz     mx     my     mz
          nod2  rx     ry     rz     mx     my     mz
          nod#  rx     ry     rz     mx     my     mz

    Notes: Reactions in static, buckling or modal analysis

           antyp: analysis type
           iset: load set or mode number; equal to ##
           nset: total number of load sets or modes
           name: load set name (if static analysis only)
           rx,ry,rz,mx,my,mz: real values of reactions at a point
           nnodr: number of nodes which have reactions
           inod: h-node number
           nedgr: number of edges which have reactions
           nplot: number of plotting points per edge
           "yes_cmpc": mpc's were created because of constraints
                         in curvilinear coordinates
           "no_cmpc": no mpc's due to curvilinear coordinates
           nod1, nod2: p-node numbers of edge
           nod#: h-node numbers on interior of edge



    msg Updating design variables
    update_parms  npar  iflag
         idv1            par
         idv2            par
         npar            iflag
         idv1            par
         idv2            par

    Notes: Parameter values for major model updates during an optimization or sensitivity design study.  Steps for line searches or derivative calculations are not included.

           npar: number of updated parameters; equals the number of lines
                 for each update
           iflag = 1 if final update
                 = 0 if not final update
           idv1, idv2 ...: parameter dbid
           par: value of parameter



    "Measure Convergence Plotting File"

    "Analysis:"   anname

    ncol   "columns"
    nset   "rows"

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "p-loop pass number"
     2           measname     measdbid

    ip   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...
    ip   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...
    ip   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...

    Notes: Values of measures at each iteration of the p-loop for all load sets or modes

           anname: analysis name
           ncol: total number of columns
           nset: number of loads sets or modes; equals the number of sets
                 of values at each p-level
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           ip: p-loop iteration
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures


    "frequency response"

    "Analysis:"   anname

    ncol   "columns"
    nset   "rows"

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "frequency value"
     2           measname     measdbid

    fre   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...
    fre   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...
    fre   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...

    Notes: Values of measures at each frequency value of a frequency response

           anname: analysis name
           ncol: total number of columns
           nset: =1
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           fre: frequency value
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures


    "time response"

    "Analysis:"   anname

    ncol   "columns"
    nset   "rows"

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "time value"
     2           measname     measdbid

    tim   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...
    tim   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...
    tim   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
         v6    v7    v8    v9    ...

    Notes: Values of measures at each time value of a time response

           anname: analysis name
           ncol: total number of columns
           nset: =1
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           tim: time value
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures


    "Global Sensitivity Plotting File"

    "Parameter:"  pname    pdbid

    ncol   "columns"
    nset   "rows"
    nstep  "steps

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "Parameter: pname"
     2           measname     measdbid

    pval   v1    v2    v3    v4     v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...

    pval   v1    v2    v3    v4     v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...

    pval   v1    v2    v3    v4     v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...


    Notes: Plotting file for global sensitivity; values of measures at each parameter step.

           ##: parameter number in two digit format
           pname: parameter name
           pdbid: parameter dbid
           ncol: total number of columns
           nset: number of loads sets or modes; equals the number of
                 sets of values at each parameter step
           nstep: number of parameter steps
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           pval: parameter value
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures


    "Local Sensitivity Plotting File"

    "Parameter:"  pname    pdbid

    ncol   "columns"
    nset   "rows"
    nstep  "steps

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "Parameter: pname"
     2           measname     measdbid

    pval   v1    v2    v3   v4    v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...

    pval   v1    v2    v3   v4    v5
           v6    v7    v8   ...

    Notes: Plotting file for local sensitivity; values of measures at the two ends of the parameter range.

           ##: parameter number in two digit format
           pname: parameter name
           pdbid: parameter dbid
           ncol: total number of columns
           nset: number of loads sets or modes; equals the number of
                 sets of values at each parameter step
           nstep: number of parameter steps; nstep=2
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           pval: parameter value
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures


    "Optimization Plotting File"

    ncol   "columns"
    nset   "rows"

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "optimization iteration number"
     2           measname     measdbid

    iter   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...
    iter   v1    v2    v3    v4    v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...

    Notes: Plotting file for optimization; values of measures at every step of the optimization loop.

           ncol: total number of columns
           nset: number of loads sets or modes; equals the number of
                 sets of values at each parameter step
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           iter: optimization loop iteration number
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures


    "Contact Plotting File"

    ncol   "columns"
    nloadinc  "load increments"

    "col"        "quantity"
     1           "Load increment"
     2           measname     measdbid

    loadinc   v1    v2    v3    v4     v5
           v6    v7    v8    ...

    Notes: Plotting file for contact values of measures at each load increment

           ##: load set number in two digit format
           ncol: total number of columns
           nloadinc: number of load increments
           measdbid: dbid of the measure
           measname: name of measure
           loadinc: load increment value (floating point number)
           v1, v2, v3...: values of measures



    Notes: Input data echo and fatal errors encountered during run time.


    Notes: Input data echo and fatal errors encountered during run time. This file is produced for thermal analyses only.


    Notes: Human readable file which contains a log of the progress of analyses or optimization design studies, numerical values of measures, warning messages, or error messages.


    Notes: Human readable file which contains the start and completion times of major steps of the engine run.


    Notes: Human readable file which contains the start and completion times of major steps in the engine run. (in more detailed form than study/study.stt)


    Notes: File for communicating an error code to the post-processor in the event of a fatal error during the engine run.


    "Applied Structure Version 3.0(00)"           IF STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
    "Applied Thermal Version 1.0(00)"             IF THERMAL ANALYSIS
    "Convergence Report"
    date/time stamp

    "Analysis:" anname

    nel     "elements"
    nedge   "edges"

    "Convergence History:"
    "  * number of load cases"            IF STATIC OR THERMAL ANALYSIS
    "  * number of modes"                 IF MODAL (DYNAMIC) OR BUCKLING ANALYSIS
    "  * total strain energy"             IF STATIC ANALYSIS
    "  * frequency"                       IF MODAL (DYNAMIC) ANALYSIS
    "  * buckling load factor"            IF BUCKLING ANALYSIS
    "  * total gradient energy"           IF THERMAL ANALYSIS
    "  * errors in energy norms"
    "  * max error in energy norm"
    "  * max local temp & energy error"
    "  * convergence index"
    "  * total number of equations"
    "  * number of changed elements"
    "  * max p-order of any edge"
    "  * p-order of edges"
    "  * clock time"

    "p-loop start time:"
    date/time stamp

    "---- p-loop pass:  1 ----"
      int     int     int     int     int     int     int     int
      int     int     int     int     int     int     int     int

    date/time stamp

    "---- p-loop pass:  2 ----"

    "---- p-loop pass:  3 ----"

    "The analysis (did not) converged to" icon "on"


    "Final convergence results, displacements:"
    "  edge  node 1  node 2   p-order   dU/Umax    U/Umax   l.c."
       int   int     int      int       long       long     int   d/r (*)


    "Final convergence results, displacements:"
    "  edge  node 1  node 2   p-order   dU/Umax    U/Umax   mode"
       int   int     int      int       long       long     int   d/r (*)


    "Final convergence results, temperatures:"
    "  edge  node 1  node 2   p-order   dT/Tmax    T/Tmax   l.c."
       int   int     int      int       long       long     int   d (*)


    "Final convergence results, element energy:"
    " element   edges         sqrt(dE/E)      E/Etot     l.c."
         int      int          long           long       int (*)


    "Final convergence results, element energy:"
    " element   edges         sqrt(dE/E)      E/Etot     mode"
         int      int          long           long       int (*)

    Notes: This file contains convergence information at each iteration of the p-loop, including: the p-order of each edge errors in edge displacements or temperatures strain energies or frequencies or gradient energies
    the convergence index

    At the end it reports and edges and elements for which convergence was not achieved.

    For transient thermal analysis, the .cnv file is placed in the STEP#### directory. It contains only the p-order of each edge at the time of the master interval.



    Notes: File for passing thermal loads to structural analyses.  The file is created only for thermal analyses.

    For transient thermal analysis, the .tld file is placed in the STEP#### directory. It contains the thermal field at the time of the master interval.


    Notes: File for storing the function coefficients of the solution.  The file is used by dynamic analyses referring to previously run model or dynamic analyses.


    Notes: Written by any static analyses for use in a subsequent buckling analysis. Contains static analysis solution info needed to reconstruct element stress during buckling analysis element stress-stiffness matrix computation.

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